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Which roast should I choose?Updated 6 months ago

While all of our coffees are of high quality (pesticide-free organic, no mold or mycotoxins, minimal levels of PAH, high in antioxidants) and can generally be enjoyed by everyone, we’ve begun experimenting with different cultivars and specific roast profiles to optimize the levels of certain compounds linked by science to specific health outcomes.

FLOW: Our original flagship medium roast coffee. It's packed with antioxidants and optimized for overall health. FLOW gives a clean, sustained energy lift for improved physical and mental performance. The taste profile includes roasted nuts, dark chocolate, and juicy apple like high notes.

EASE: Our dark roast coffee. With prebiotic benefits and lower acidity to help ease digestion, this blend is perfectly balanced to support gut health. The taste profile includes dark chocolate, roasted walnut, and brown spice.

CALM: Our naturally decaffeinated medium roast coffee. It is crafted to deliver a similar flavor and bounty of antioxidants found in our FLOW coffee, while avoiding the caffeine.

PROTECT: A light-medium roast coffee crafted for liver vitality. This single origin coffee is honey processed for a sweeter flavor, and has the highest level of CGA (antioxidants) among all of our coffees. With high levels of bioactive compounds to support liver health and function, PROTECT also contains 10% more antioxidants than FLOW.

BALANCE: Our 1/3 caffeinated medium roast crafted for those that are mindful of their caffeine intake. Using a precise blend of regular and naturally decaffeinated Swiss Water beans, this coffee provides high antioxidant activity with less caffeine.
You can also reference these pages to learn a lot more about each roast:

And here's a comparison chart we've put together.

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