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What type of subscriptions are available?Updated 2 years ago

We have two types of subscriptions; auto-renew or prepaid.

With an auto-renew subscription you are billed at your chosen frequency (monthly, every third month, etc.) for the quantity you choose to receive. These subscriptions are very flexible if you wish to raise or lower the amount of coffee received each month, switch to a different product, or adjust the shipping frequency. You may also cancel whenever you would like. All orders over $60 ship free.

With a prepaid subscription you select the product you wish to receive each month, as well as quantity. Then you select the duration you wish to subscribe - three months or six months. Once you select the product, amount, and duration, you make a one time payment. All prepaid subscriptions ship free, no matter the amount of coffee chosen.

All Purity Coffee orders are roasted fresh to order Monday - Friday, and ship directly from our roasting facility. It's pretty nice having fresh coffee delivered to your door! Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions, or would like assistance with your subscription.
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