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My coffee tastes different from usual, what should I do?Updated a month ago

We work really hard to make sure Purity Coffee is consistent - but there may be some slight changes in our blends as coffee is a crop that is subject to different variables throughout the year.

 If you notice a difference in the flavor of your coffee, it is helpful to tweak some aspects of brewing.

  • Experiment with the coffee to water ratio; we suggest two tablespoons of ground coffee for every eight ounces of water, but this can be adjusted up or down to alter the strength of your cup.
  • If the flavor is weak or sour, the grind may be too coarse – try a finer grind.
  • If the flavor is coffee is too bold or bitter, the grind may be too fine - try a coarser grind.

Remember that water quality, temperature, brewing method, and time can affect the taste. 

Feel free to reach out to our support team for more personalized brewing advice - we are here to help!

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