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Is Purity Coffee low in histamine?Updated 2 years ago

Research on coffee and histamine is not extensive, but it all points to low-quality and unripe coffee used in roasting. In high-quality coffee, histamine in green, roasted, and coffee beverages may not be found at all, or may be present in small concentrations. However, even if concentrations are low, the presence of histamine could be enough to cause adverse effects in histamine-sensitive individuals or those with a higher load of amines that their bodies are trying to process. It is difficult to explain why some people react to coffee one way, and others another way. Of course, all of us are different with our own internal chemistry, biology, and functionality of our many glands, organs, and moving parts. Similarly, every coffee is different with its cocktail of compounds in different quantities.

Regarding other contaminants and compounds in low-quality coffee, several are likely to affect those with MCAS: Molds, mycotoxins, pesticide residues, yeasts, and other biogenic amines that are common in coffee, such as putrescine, cadaverine and others. All these can potentiate histamine toxicity and other stresses on the mast cells. Paying attention to all aspects of coffee brewing is also important: Water, equipment, filters, grinders and flasks all could produce reactions, rather than the coffee itself.

In terms of what Purity Coffee does differently:

Only the top quality (called “specialty grade”), certified organic, hand-picked, ripened fruits are picked to ensure the coffee is not underripe or problematic. We test for antioxidants and other nutrients and choose coffees that are at high levels. We then roast conscientiously to retain as much antioxidant capacity as possible for each type of coffee. Finally, we employ strict food safety measures and current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs).

We also lab test our coffees for pesticides, mold, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and other contaminants that could cause problems. We only choose the cleanest and purest coffees.

All of our coffees are grown on regenerative organic farms, meeting the highest standards in the world for soil health. Although we cannot establish a direct link between our farming practices and the positive effect this might have on histamine in our coffee, this is something we are studying. We just know that what is good for the environment is good for us as well.

The following quotes represent a recent handful of the hundreds of messages we've received from relieved customers who are elated to be able to enjoy coffee once again...

"Love this coffee - I have histamine intolerance, so coffee is on a no-no list... except for this one. I can have my coffee with butter + MCT oil every morning with no issues. Tastes and smells great, too. I highly recommend.”

“I make a half-calf coffee with Purity because I have MCAS Histamine Intolerance, and this allows me to enjoy my morning coffee without mast cell symptoms.”

“I have a mast cell disorder and Purity decaf is the only coffee I have found that does not trigger a reaction. The customer service is awesome!”

“I have mycotoxin illness and found Purity Coffee through my functional medicine doctor and absolutely love the smooth, bold flavor. Ease doesn't leave an after taste and is the best coffee with the added benefit of being free of toxins and chemicals. I ran out of Ease and tried another brand I had on hand and had a mast cell reaction within 30 minutes of drinking. That absolutely proved it is toxin free and will not affect people with mast cell activation or chemical sensitivities. Thank you Purity for going the extra mile to create a delicious and healthy coffee!”

“Purity Coffee is hands down the best, cleanest, purest coffee I have ever drank! I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and have absolutely no issues drinking this coffee at all.”

“Finally a safe coffee I can enjoy as I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Thank you for making this excellent product and giving me back my morning brew!”

With all of this considered, there is not one particular roast that we would recommend over the other, you can simply go with what you like (light versus medium versus dark roast). If you know you are particularly sensitive to caffeine, our Swiss Water® decaffeinated coffee (Calm) tastes exceptional, is loaded with CGA, and is produced using the same high standards for health and purity.

For much more on this topic, you might find this blog article interesting: https://puritycoffee.com/blogs/blog/can-you-drink-coffee-with-histamine-intolerance-or-mcas

We encourage everyone to listen to their own bodies, and we hope that for those who love coffee and want to keep it in their diet, Purity Coffee makes them feel good!
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