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General brewing instructionsUpdated a year ago

From the farmer to the roaster, those along the coffee chain of custody made many decisions that impacted the quality of taste of the coffee. Now the coffee is in your hands, and you get to make the choices on how to prepare your coffee!

A few general brewing tips:
- Grind your coffee within 15 minutes of brewing.
- Match the coffee grind particle size to your brewing method. Longer brewing times like a French press use a coarser grind, while shorter brewing methods like Espresso use a finer grind.
- Use purified water (clean, free of chlorine, odor-free, etc.) between 195-205 degrees F, i.e. just below boiling temperature.

- Keep your equipment clean and dry when not in use.

We recommend two tablespoons of ground coffee for every eight ounces of water used to brew, but this can be adjusted based on your preferences.

If the flavor is tasting weak or sour, try adjusting the grind slightly finer.  If the flavor is too bold or bitter, adjust the grind slightly coarser.

Keep in mind, multiple brew factors will have an effect on your end result - water temperature and type, brew method, grind size, ratio and brew time, etc.

Please refer to our Brewing Guide for more information, or reach out to our support team, we're happy to help!

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